
Wow so much

In the last few days lots of stuff has just happened. I'll try and recap.

1. I scheduled interviews with Exeter and Andover; I've never been so nervous for a phone conversation.

2. I went to a Halloween party at a rich kids house. They had a whole gym in the basement; and being rich having girl friends isn't an issue of course so, the ratio of boys to girls was about 1:10. I would have been less embarrassed if I was actaully I friend of the person not the persons piano teachers son.

3. I got promoted to C2 traveling in soccer (it goes Premier, C1, C2, C3).

4. UMTYMP test coming up. Chemistry test due. Biology test due. Poetry due (poetry is HARD). UMTYMP due. Programming due...

5. Visited Saint Paul Academy, first school I've visited with a mildly challenging course catalog.

And a lot more I can't remember right now. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a lot of stuff!

10:03 AM  

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